One way to position your company is to offer knowledge. Make sure to educate your partners and customers to build trust and loyalty. Education as a way to stand out from the competition.
Ultimately, it is about changing the company's approach towards always striving to make its customers better in every situation.
Offering courses and practice online can be part of the solution. Then those who want to educate themselves can keep track of what they have learned. It is possible to repeat and acquire new knowledge at the same time as your customers are constantly in contact with your brand.
For the training to become relevant, you must have set clear goals and thought about what you want your customers or partners to start doing differently. Should they become better clients, involve you earlier in the projects or maybe sell more of your products?
The next step is to ask why they aren't doing it already. Do they lack the knowledge, training or perhaps it is the corporate culture that does not allow them to do what they want.
Together, we go through these issues in a first workshop before we start formulating solutions. If you want to know more about how it works, read about the work process.
The process
Baking the tastiest cookies over and over again requires a good recipe. Check out our work process
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